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Practical Witchery Series:  Protection Magick

Basic Protection Work and Shielding I & II


The imprints of negative emotions, Vampires (psychic & emotional), witch wars & little nasties...... there is so much out there are we truly protecting ourselves all of the time or only trying something when it is an emergency?

One of the first most important aspects in learning the Art and Science of Magick is Basic Protection Magick and Shielding. While not as alluring or as other forms of magick, true protection work is ESSENTIAL , powerful and it can be every bit as exciting! However, to build a truly powerful network of protection, one must start with the basic steps.


In this class we will explore:

• Various types of little "nasties" and spiritual attacks.

• How to cope with them yourself, or when and who to call for help!

• Methods of Basic Protection Magick Shielding (simple shields)

• Cleansings (basic)

• Wardings

• Magickal Circles


We will be practicing Shielding in class. So come prepared to work. Notebooks for note taking or audio recording devices are also suggested.



Psychic Cleansing I & II


The ability to cleanse is a very basic method of magickal protection and balancing.  As with a strong knowledge base and understanding of protection magick it is ESSENTIAL. 


In this class we will explore psychic cleansing through: 

•  More advanced discussion in negative energies, entities and psychic attacks 

• How to cope with them yourself, or when and who to call for help!

• Meditation (specfic to cleansings) 

•  Elemental Cleansings 

•  Advanced Discussion of Magickal Attacks 

• Personal Cleansing 

•  Magickal Baths 

•  House Cleansings

•  Use of Scents for cleansings


We will be practicing Meditation in class.  So come prepared to work.  Notebooks for note taking or audio recording devices are also suggested.



Advanced Protection Magick I & II


One of the first most important aspects in learning the Art and Science of Magick is Protection Magick and Shielding.  While not as alluring or as other forms of magick, true protection work is ESSENTIAL , powerful and it can be every bit as exciting!  However, to build a truly powerful network of protection from basic knowledge one must embark the steps of Advanced Protection Magick. 


In this class we will explore advanced protection work through:

•  Advanced Discussion of Magickal Attacks & Entities

• Advanced Shielding techniques

• Personal Protections:  Talismans, Sigils & Runes

• Home and Site Protection

• Protection for another

• Bindings & Banishing

• Working with Magickal Protectors (guides, allies, familiars, angels and Deity)


Notebooks for note taking or audio recording devices are also suggested.



Understanding Exorcism


The word Exorcism conjures all sorts of images of cult horror movies, or demon possession and flying objects crashing forth from paranomal interventions.  It can be an intimidating thought.... and by all rights should be!


However, deveopling a good understanding of Exorcism, some of the basics that are its foundation is important inAdvanced Protection Work.


In this class we will explore:

  • Obsession vs. Posession Paranormal Expereinces

  • Identification of  Experiences

  • Requirements of the Exorcist & Team

  • Basics of Obsessive Exorcism Work

  • The Dangers

  • Saftey

  • Legalities


Notebooks for note taking or audio recording devices are also suggested.

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